dum dum dum.
I managed to get this done in a few hours, it's actually for my
resume though. im not sure if it's legit to put illustrations
in my resume or do people like them simple?
I'm also thinking about ditching blogger. I cant seem to
find a suitable blogskin for my blog....
CCS submission, newletter due this week. and i gotta work on advertising
and catalog, also journalism... my mum was asking me
why is it that sometimes i have so many work to do and at times
i have nothing at all. AHHAHAHAHA. well mum, thats cause i push
all my works to be done at the very last minute... i should
start getting rid of this bad habit... also, im keeping my finger's crossed
and hope i can get an intern by the 7th of nov.
Stress level is at its peak. and i need all the luck in the world.
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