So in love with schmooks now, they're so adorable!!! i'm pretty sure they'll be the next fifi lapin!
no school tomorrow till wednesday!! xxx so happy right now!!! waiting for the Singfest pictures from my mate v, then i'll update more about it. & i can't believe i'm still bummed about Alexander McQueen's death! i think the next few updates i will be blogging more of fashion related stuff? to improve my communicating skills via writing/typing.hmmm, i've got nothing much to say...this is it guys, go burn your midnight oil if you need to. ciao. x
Singfest pics are up! A few of them are on my blog while all of them on my fb! AND THANKS (YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN), SHAWTY! I HAD A BLAST THAT NIGHT :) :) :)