Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I want I want I want I want I want I want I want

Monday, September 12, 2011

Romance & Love

Photograph by: Lina Scheynius
Styling by: Felipe Mendes
Model: Vlada Roslyakova

it's like in the beginning her romance soar and
she fell deeply in love, but something happened,
and she became devastated like she lost her love one..(that's what i think)

I love Sebastian Kim & Charles Varenne but...
it's a freaking masterpiece.
This is how i want all my editorials to look like in the future.


Monday, September 5, 2011


the picture sizes are way too big! it's taking a long time to get it all uploaded!
these were my birthday pictures. Girlfriends never fail to give me the
best birthdays ever. i love them so so much!


went shooting for advertising assignment w Viv, and boy, was it tiring.
since styling, art directing, hair&makeup, photography is all a one-man show, it
was really time and energy consuming. i'm still in the process of editing the pictures,
hopefully ginette will approve of it or it'll be a big fat F for me....
from this week on, it's a must to be productive.
cant type anymore, my head still hurts...oh brotherrrr

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I have an impulse decision to chop my hair...to somewhere above my chest.
and get my fringe trim. And get my hair darker..darker...darker....darker......
okay. basically I'm just bored with how I looked. advertising shoot tomorrow,
hopefully it will turn out right...fingers crossed! x