Friday, January 27, 2012


I am silently strengthening my resolve to dye my
entire hair ( which i am about to trim ) light pink.
I think my mum might hate me if I dye that,
but these days, all I could ever think of is PINK.
I can't stop thinking pink....

Monday, January 23, 2012

a late post on the very delicious Everything with fries.
chinese new year this year is slightly quiet, i'm not exactly use to it yet.
times like this i think about my grandma a little more.
days are going by really fast, and i have yet again manage to get things done. now, off i go!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Good Food, Good Day

I kick start the day getting my new pair of creepers, met my mate Viv later and had an
awesome lunch at Group Therapy! The fashion lecturers was cruel to us on the first week
of school, I don't know what to expect this coming week......may the force be with me.....