Friday, December 31, 2010


here it is, the much anticipated 2011. basically, I'm not very sure myself
why i dislike 2010. but i think I've learn a lot from the people around me
last year. this year, i've decided to do a new year resolution.
for the past few years i haven't wrote any; simply because i know
that i'll be too lazy to follow it. it'll just be words and no action. nothing.
although i still carry this mindset with me, i think if i am able to accomplish
my resolutions, i can just about do anything and ditch this lazy character of mine.
and i know my reason for being lazy, i just can't be bothered with life.
nothing interests me - at all.
so now i give myself a few darts and several targets. hopefully this year,
i will get just enough bulls-eye.
now let the reminisce begin!

i want this portfolio back so bad!

shall give time to do more DIY clothes!

very tempted to get my fringe trim when my hair grows longer.

first pair of kick ass heels! sold it though, too high! i'm not gonna fly.

hahahah shirley gal, giving her full attention in V&P class. while i on the other hand.....


i should have upload this vid ages ago, but i find it silly.
but just look at my ah lou ( girl on your right ) being so funny and all. HAHAHA

okay, i'm actually here supposedly to write up my new year resolution.
then i thought, why jinx it!
HAHAHAH, i'm not saying my blog is bad luck or anything.
i just dont want it to be all words and no improvement.
schl's starting soon. new class, new knowledge, new cliques, new year.
everything's fresh from the oven.
and may you whom is reading, have the time of your life this 2011.

Monday, December 13, 2010

ALL i want for christmas~ (literally)

1. Macbook pro 15"
2. Leica Dlux5 or Dlux4
3. Shoes
4. shoes
6. Vivienne Westwood rings
7. Violin
8. Slim down!!!
9. better complexion
10. Spend more time with love ones.

its been a horrible week for me, since i caught a cold and all.
but being at home made me realised how long have i not been
spending time with my family. i didn't even know i was homesick. lol.
i wonder if im able to own a leica anytime soon.
and i think many teenagers now carries them. drives me crazy.
i hope carrying Leica wont become a new trend or i will seriously
kill myself. and why is everyone on tumblr now anyways!
this is why i hate trends, what to do since now im considered to be part of the crowd...
i hope school next semester won't drain me.
i have doubts. alot of doubts.
maybe just maybe i should've picked textiles?
idk. its a tough world out there, better pick myself up before
i get left behind. ahhh and i need new books too.

Friday, November 12, 2010

next time i have a name card, it'll say " i'm CEO, bitch."

my mate and i finally got to catch a movie after such a long time!
the social network was a masterpiece. but still i'd very much appreciate if they
make a movie on tumblr.
looking back, i didnt do great for school work.
my management presentation turned out alright, the thing is im still not
really ready to set my heart towards communication.
i don't know if its what i want. but if i dont go communication,
i feel that i have no where left to go.
hopefully the news on monday will be fine.
i'm really deprived of sleep but my body seemed to got used to
sleeping an hour or two everyday. this is bad, really bad.
and many times i feel like barfing after food, i dont know if
my body is rejecting them or i'm just a little weak from the lack of slumber.
i need more books for the vacation. and money. money money money,
you can never have enough money. money is the only thing you can have
too much. HAHAHAH great, all im thinking about is money now.
there's nothing more to say dear dairy.
let the slacking begin.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

after days of desperate searching for a fur apparel,
i manage to get my hands on a fur vest i got from m'sia yesterday.
omg, im so contended now.
just a little update before im off celebrating my mum's birthday!
alrighty ciao!

Friday, October 15, 2010

keep holding on

Took the effort to doll up today, was late for Marn's class so i skipped.
Personally I’m not exactly fond of Friday classes, since it's so boring and all.
However, the art direction class is gradually heading for the my opinion that is.
Not forgetting the timebomb for textile shall start counting from tomorrow onwards.
I'm petrified by the word textile itself. urgh.
So many things are piling up lately, and yet I'm as lazy as ever, probably worse...
and i will have to really start getting Clocky, okay you might not like the name for it but
i find that this little one could be extremely useful for me.
right, initially i wanted to review about McQueen's SS11 Ready-to-wear.
after typing everything out while watching the video of the collection in Youtube,
i realised people whom commented on think alike.

it feels as if though, she's doing the collection
for Alexander McQueen, not as McQueen himself.
i'm not quite keen on the repeated silhouettes from the past McQueen's collection.
the collection, i would say is less dark and more
feminine.i miss McQueen's astounding fashion.
nevertheless,i must say i'm quite impressed by Burton's
theme for this collection.
that's pretty much what i wrote.( sorry but i'm just too lazy to upload pictures of the collection here ) but Burton is good though. still, i'd rather she design for Alexander Mcqueen.
Enough talk about fashion before i get too carried away.
This month for me is like being completely lost and i'm sinking into the deepest depths of laziness. I need to find my light back, i need to constantly reminded myself to hold on.
holding on is definitely tougher than letting go.
time for war.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Could my hair please be at this length now so i can style it the way Taylor did.
love this hairstyle. it's so Ariel-ish!!!
it's so hard to choose which shade of red im going for, there's so much to consider!!
Since my skin isnt really fair with pink undertone ( which by the way upsets me alot because i've been dying for a healthy white skin ) really makes me wonder if red would look good on me...
i absolutely do not want it to turn ORANGE, that will have to be my worst nightmare - EVER.
so in a blink of an eye, the one week break we had pass us by so quickly...
term 2 is gonna be soooo much more hectic and work load heavy i can smell it.
i just hope i don't fail anything because i really dont want to redo textiles all over AGAINNNN.
i'd rather to be dragged to hell.
will have to save more now, my wishlist is seriously getting out of hand... i'm perfectly aware that i'm buying to fulfil my empty heart, thats what shopaholics (like me) are. The heart has forgotten happiness, and im just filling it with things that would make me happy so that my heart won't die. i'm not depress or anything, but my heart has really been empty for far too long.
*awkard silence* lol... kay whatever.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i've pretty much decided on going red next.
probably the colour of the first picture, and getting my hair a little more wavy
or even curls. im tired of having straight hair all the time.
the only problem left is; my hair is not long enough yet.

Monday, September 20, 2010

the first picture is JC's Xit, omg it's gnna be an IT thing i know it...
Second picture are fully loaded with Senso's heels.
i'm having shoe-orgasm now... omg i cannot handle this shoestruck.
i need them to in my rag now. NOW.

if my illustrations can magically become real, i will just spend my whole life illustrating money
and shoes. AHHAHAHAHA. oh, and dream guy too. fufuufufufufu.

Monday, September 13, 2010

hell week, week seven.

this week is literally gonna be hardcore.
i can't help but to ponder whether or not i should get some rest,
trading sleep with tumblr and schl work seems like a brilliant idea for me...
but not for my complexion, apparently.
i hope i'm able to finish everything by this week.
time sure flies.i could really use a pause button now just to breathe in everything
i'm missing out on.
oh, and my plans on going into fashion communication are wavering.
i'm leaning more towards fashion textile and fashion management?
fashion design is definitely out of my league. decisions, decisions...